If you encounter Access denied errors
when you try to connect to the MySQL server, the list below indicates some
courses of action you can take to correct the problem:
The server should let you connect
without error. You should also make sure you have a file `user.MYD' in the
MySQL database directory. Ordinarily, this is `PATH/var/mysql/user.MYD', where
PATH is the pathname to the MySQL installation root.
After a fresh installation, you should
connect to the server and set up your users and their access permissions:
shell> mysql -u root mysql
The server should let you connect
because the MySQL root user has no password initially. That is also a security
risk, so setting the root password is something you should do while you're
setting up your other MySQL users. If you try to connect as root and get this
Access denied for user: '@unknown' to
database mysql
this means that you don't have an
entry in the user table with a User column value of 'root' and that mysqld
cannot resolve the hostname for your client. In this case, you must restart the
server with the --skip-grant-tables option and edit your `/etc/hosts' or
`\windows\hosts' file to add an entry for your host.
If you updated an existing MySQL
installation from a version earlier than Version 3.22.11 to Version 3.22.11 or
later, did you run the mysql_fix_privilege_tables script? If not, do so. The
structure of the grant tables changed with MySQL Version 3.22.11 when the GRANT
statement became functional.
If you can't get your password to
work, remember that you must use the PASSWORD() function if you set the
password with the INSERT, UPDATE, or SET PASSWORD statements. The PASSWORD()
function is unnecessary if you specify the password using the GRANT ...
INDENTIFIED BY statement or the mysqladmin password command.
localhost is a synonym for your local
hostname, and is also the default host to which clients try to connect if you
specify no host explicitly. However, connections to localhost do not work if
you are running on a system that uses MIT-pthreads (localhost connections are
made using Unix sockets, which are not supported by MIT-pthreads). To avoid
this problem on such systems, you should use the --host option to name the
server host explicitly. This will make a TCP/IP connection to the mysqld
server. In this case, you must have your real hostname in user table entries on
the server host. (This is true even if you are running a client program on the
same host as the server.)
If you get an Access denied error when
trying to connect to the database with mysql -u user_name db_name, you may have
a problem with the user table. Check this by executing mysql -u root mysql and
issuing this SQL statement:
mysql> SELECT * FROM user;
The result should include an entry
with the Host and User columns matching your computer's hostname and your MySQL
user name.
The Access denied error message will
tell you who you are trying to log in as, the host from which you are trying to
connect, and whether or not you were using a password. Normally, you should
have one entry in the user table that exactly matches the hostname and user
name that were given in the error message. For example if you get an error
message that contains Using password: NO, this means that you tried to login
without an password.
If you get the following error when
you try to connect from a different host than the one on which the MySQL server
is running, then there is no row in the user table that matches that host:
Host ... is not allowed to connect to
this MySQL server
You can fix this by using the
command-line tool mysql (on the server host!) to add a row to the user, db, or
host table for the user/hostname combination from which you are trying to
connect and then execute mysqladmin flush-privileges. If you are not running
MySQL Version 3.22 and you don't know the IP number or hostname of the machine
from which you are connecting, you should put an entry with '%' as the Host
column value in the user table and restart mysqld with the --log option on the
server machine. After trying to connect from the client machine, the
information in the MySQL log will indicate how you really did connect. (Then
replace the '%' in the user table entry with the actual hostname that shows up
in the log. Otherwise, you'll have a system that is insecure.) Another reason
for this error on Linux is that you are using a binary MySQL version that is
compiled with a different glibc version than the one you are using. In this
case you should either upgrade your OS/glibc or download the source MySQL
version and compile this yourself. A source RPM is normally trivial to compile
and install, so this isn't a big problem.
If you get an error message where the
hostname is not shown or where the hostname is an IP, even if you try to
connect with a hostname:
shell> mysqladmin -u root -pxxxx -h
some-hostname ver
Access denied for user: 'root' (Using
password: YES)
This means that MySQL got some error
when trying to resolve the IP to a hostname. In this case you can execute
mysqladmin flush-hosts to reset the internal DNS cache. Some permanent
solutions are:
Try to find out what is wrong with
your DNS server and fix this.
Specify IPs instead of hostnames in
the MySQL privilege tables.
Start mysqld with --skip-name-resolve.
Start mysqld with --skip-host-cache.
Connect to localhost if you are
running the server and the client on the same machine.
Put the client machine names in
If mysql -u root test works but mysql
-h your_hostname -u root test results in Access denied, then you may not have
the correct name for your host in the user table. A common problem here is that
the Host value in the user table entry specifies an unqualified hostname, but
your system's name resolution routines return a fully qualified domain name (or
vice-versa). For example, if you have an entry with host 'tcx' in the user
table, but your DNS tells MySQL that your hostname is 'tcx.subnet.se', the
entry will not work. Try adding an entry to the user table that contains the IP
number of your host as the Host column value. (Alternatively, you could add an
entry to the user table with a Host value that contains a wild card--for
example, 'tcx.%'. However, use of hostnames ending with `%' is insecure and is
not recommended!) If mysql -u user_name test works but mysql -u user_name
other_db_name doesn't work, you don't have an entry for other_db_name listed in
the db table.
If mysql -u user_name db_name works
when executed on the server machine, but mysql -u host_name -u user_name
db_name doesn't work when executed on another client machine, you don't have
the client machine listed in the user table or the db table. If you can't
figure out why you get Access denied, remove from the user table all entries
that have Host values containing wild cards (entries that contain `%' or `_').
A very common error is to insert a new entry with Host='%' and User='some
user', thinking that this will allow you to specify localhost to connect from
the same machine. The reason that this doesn't work is that the default
privileges include an entry with Host='localhost' and User=''. Because that
entry has a Host value 'localhost' that is more specific than '%', it is used
in preference to the new entry when connecting from localhost! The correct
procedure is to insert a second entry with Host='localhost' and
User='some_user', or to remove the entry with Host='localhost' and User=''.
If you get the following error, you
may have a problem with the db or host table:
Access to database denied
If the entry selected from the db
table has an empty value in the Host column, make sure there are one or more
corresponding entries in the host table specifying which hosts the db table
entry applies to. If you get the error when using the SQL commands SELECT ...
INTO OUTFILE or LOAD DATA INFILE, your entry in the user table probably doesn't
have the file privilege enabled.
Remember that client programs will use
connection parameters specified in configuration files or environment
variables. If a client seems to be sending the wrong default connection
parameters when you don't specify them on the command line, check your
environment and the `.my.cnf' file in your home directory. You might also check
the system-wide MySQL configuration files, though it is far less likely that client
connection parameters will be specified there. If you get Access denied when
you run a client without any options, make sure you haven't specified an old
password in any of your option files!
If you make changes to the grant
tables directly (using an INSERT or UPDATE statement) and your changes seem to
be ignored, remember that you must issue a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement or
execute a mysqladmin flush-privileges command to cause the server to re-read
the privilege tables. Otherwise your changes have no effect until the next time
the server is restarted. Remember that after you set the root password with an
UPDATE command, you won't need to specify it until after you flush the
privileges, because the server won't know you've changed the password yet!
If you have access problems with a
Perl, PHP, Python, or ODBC program, try to connect to the server with mysql -u
user_name db_name or mysql -u user_name -pyour_pass db_name. If you are able to
connect using the mysql client, there is a problem with your program and not
with the access privileges. (Note that there is no space between -p and the
password; you can also use the --password=your_pass syntax to specify the
password. If you use the -p option alone, MySQL will prompt you for the
For testing, start the mysqld daemon
with the --skip-grant-tables option. Then you can change the MySQL grant tables
and use the mysqlaccess script to check whether or not your modifications have
the desired effect. When you are satisfied with your changes, execute mysqladmin
flush-privileges to tell the mysqld server to start using the new grant tables.
Note: Reloading the grant tables overrides the --skip-grant-tables option. This
allows you to tell the server to begin using the grant tables again without
bringing it down and restarting it.
If everything else fails, start the
mysqld daemon with a debugging option (for example, --debug=d,general,query).
This will print host and user information about attempted connections, as well
as information about each command issued.
If you have any other problems with
the MySQL grant tables and feel you must post the problem to the mailing list,
always provide a dump of the MySQL grant tables. You can dump the tables with
the mysqldump mysql command. As always, post your problem using the mysqlbug
mailing list, always provide a dump of
the MySQL grant tables. You can dump the tables with the mysqldump mysql
command. As always, post your problem using the mysqlbug script.
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